
Showing posts from December, 2005

Taj - My Taj

Taj, Is this not lovely!!! Lovely Carving Taj, a dream in white marble A door of Taj Taj, An evening delight Beautiful view of "NatKashi" Lovely Jali Work More Natkashi Natkashi with Jali Work

Some Improvements

New year is approaching. I thought of making some improvements to my blog 1) Added a visitor counter. 2) Added google safe search. Aditya

Should Ganguly be selected for Pakistan tour

DISCLAIMER: All the views expressed in this article are only my views. They are not meant to affect the views of selection committee. If final selection of Ganguly matches the views expressed in article it would merely be co-incidental. Ganguly was dropped after second test match. The decision to drop him was controversial and controversy was well justified. It looked as if there was more politics involved than performance. Ganguly might not have set the field on fire by his batting but he did have two good knocks of almost 40 in as many innings. More over he was involved in two long partnerships at two crucial points. I thought that Ganguly had done enough to be selected again for third test. Both Yuvraj, Laxman were picked up ahead of Ganguly. Considering the performance in the test Laxman scored 69 and 11 making 80 runs overall and Yuvi made 0 and 77 making 77 run overall, while Ganguly made 40 and 39 making 79 overall. In-fact figures show that Ganguly was more consistent. Many pe...

Why is Bono standing between Bill and Melinda Gates

Bill Gates, Melinda Gates and Bono are Time persons of the year 2005 but why is Bill Gates not standing with Melinda Gates !!!!!!!

How to buy a Camcorder

I recently bought a Sony DCR DVD 403 camcorder. I had to do a lot of research before buying the camcorder. There are just so many models and so many features that I was very confused. This post is just to make the task easy for others who are interested in buying one. We can classify camcorders by type of media they store on Tape Camcorders: These use tape as media to store images. There are many types of tape available like Mini-DV, Hi-8, Digital-8, Micro-DV, VHS. The only tape camcorders I would recommend are Mini-DV. The reason is size VHS, Hi-8 and Digital-8 camcorders are large. Micro-DV is failed technology although the camcorders are very small. More over finding Micro-DV tapes is difficult Tapeless Camcorders: They use media other then tape to store images. DVD, Flash memory, Hard disk are some of the media used. Flash memory is not very large and Harddisk one's though promising are very new. So I prefer only DVD. So for rest of the discussion we will only consider Mini-Dv ...

"The Leader"

Read the following poem. It describes the qualities of a(THE) leader. In fact the name of the leader is hidden in the poem itself. Interestingly this poem is being taught to students of class XI in Pakistan. If you get the book ;) , it is on page 216. Can you find out the leaders name? P atient and steady with all he must bear, R eady to meet every challenge with care, E asy in manner, yet solid as steel, S trong in his faith, refreshingly real, I sn’t afraid to propose what is bold, D oesn’t conform to the usual mold, E yes that have foresight, for hindsight won’t do, N ever backs down when he sees what is true, T ells it all straight, and means it all too. G oing forward and knowing he’s right, E ven when doubted for why he would fight, O ver and over he makes his case clear R eaching to touch the ones who won’t hear. G rowing in strength, he won’t be unnerved, E ver assuring he’ll stand by his word. W anting the world to join his firm stand, B racing for war, but praying for peace, ...