Read the following poem. It describes the qualities of a(THE) leader. In fact the name of the leader is hidden in the poem itself. Interestingly this poem is being taught to students of class XI in Pakistan. If you get the book ;) , it is on page 216. Can you find out the leaders name? P atient and steady with all he must bear, R eady to meet every challenge with care, E asy in manner, yet solid as steel, S trong in his faith, refreshingly real, I sn’t afraid to propose what is bold, D oesn’t conform to the usual mold, E yes that have foresight, for hindsight won’t do, N ever backs down when he sees what is true, T ells it all straight, and means it all too. G oing forward and knowing he’s right, E ven when doubted for why he would fight, O ver and over he makes his case clear R eaching to touch the ones who won’t hear. G rowing in strength, he won’t be unnerved, E ver assuring he’ll stand by his word. W anting the world to join his firm stand, B racing for war, but praying for peace, ...